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Kvareli - Wine Region in Kakheti, Georgia

listening2you 发表于 2022-7-17 17:43:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Kvareli is located in Kakheti, at the left bank of river ALazani, from the west side there is river Duruji, and from the east- river Bursa. Kvareli is known as the “eye of Kakheti”. So, if you decide to visit Kvareli, I advise you to see one of the natural remarkable sights: “the huge stone”. It is situated at the north of Kvareli, on the left bank of river Duruji. It is interesting, as the weight of Stone is 160 tonnes. It is a result of river Duruji flooding (in 1889). The flooding repeated several times, so later, they built there 5,5 kilometers length and 7 metre height stone dam. And exactly that dam is nowadays one of the most popular tourist places in Kvareli. There is also very famous seawall, which was built to suspend this wild river.

There is also Kvareli balneological resort at 8 kilometers from Kvareli. The resort is adorned with cute cottages. You can visit that resort to cure your health and rest, as there are two types of mineral waters.

There is a lake Ilia in the gorge of river Duruji, in the region of Kvareli. This lake was made 2 years ago, and is an artificial lake. This is a very interesting architectural masterpiece. It is exactly located in the unique zone of Kindzmareuli. The lake itself is surrounded by broad leafed forests, and from the other side, there is resting place, with great parks, cafes, restaurants and the unbelievably beautiful hotel, which is like a dream castle. There is everything, young people would love to. You can rent a bike for 5 GEL an hour and walk around the lake, among fresh air of threes, magic views of a lake, reflecting fairy castle in it.

Kvareli is the most beautiful city in Kakheti Region, thanks to its nature and views of mountains all around it. It was a hometown of one of the most famous Georgian writer, political figure, poet and publisher - Ilia Chavchavadze, who was also called “father of the nation”. He wrote a poem “Kvareli Mountains” to describe its beauty.

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